Monday, October 11, 2010

East meets West - Interesting Remix of Cultural Choices

How do different people from Different Cultures make their Choice?
Why do they make the choices they do?

See these different videos from and "Make your Own Choice"!! :-)

1) Western/American Way (by Kevin Kelly):  
More (choice) is better. Technology is life's way of accelerating more choices/options.
With "Exceptions to every Rule". 
Note: The presenter acknowledges that there are 6 basic choices in the form of types of life.
But seems like his American Perspective forces him to note the rare exceptions are pointed out as significant.

2) Eastern Way (by Sheena Iyengar)
Where Less is More. The Eastern Way is to be happy with a few options that have been chosen by respected persons of the group (parents, experts etc).

Seems like Americans excel at what they prefer - innovation/individualism.
And Easterners excel at what they prefer - tradition/groupism.

Both walking on the path(s) laid out for them by their respective societies.

Question for the Reader:
So, What happens when East meets West?!!

What do you think of the Videos?
Do you have a totally new viewpoint on the whole cultural thing?

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Personally I feel.... 
What happens when East meets West?!!
Well we already know the answer to that - Renaissance.
Or is that from the Western perspective?!!
What was the effect of the "Renaissance" on the East? Interesting question to follow.
Only time will tell.
As Russell Peters said "One day the whole world is gonna be Beige!!!"


  1. Exactly.... they can run, they can hide but one day... we(India/China) will get them.... :P

  2. Hmmm... actually it works both ways i.e. Beige *is* a re-mix. So it could well be us (India/China) running too!! :-D


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