Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back to Basics - The 3 R's of Education - Reading, wRiting, aRithmatic

Reading comprehension
Writing - Essay and Precis writing
Arithmatic - hmmm.... (mental math perhaps)

Frequently Unseen Skills:

Before one complains of not having a perfect academic record here is what businessmen say they want from employees : India's lost generation: A systemic risk?

Like 'paper money' certificates follow the law of demand vs. supply. Certificates act as a filter but do not by themselves ensure quality. Quality in terms of reasoning ability, deductive ability, reading/writing/speaking skills or creative ability.

I think creativity though bandied about a lot is only "required" for creators like inventors, designers etc who are labelled with "need to be creative".

What an employer looks for are basic delegability i.e. if I give this task to him/her will they complete without requiring help. This of course requires resourcefulness or jugaad as per expectations of employer.
At most having bit more vision as in directing/assigning tasks to others and "getting things done" will get you to managerial level.

Ironically, any more creativity/resourcefulness than that might require self-employment :-)
Either way Relax, YOU have an opportunity NOT a problem!! :-)

Suggest you to start or join an open source project on github.
The sooner you start the better esp. when you've loads of time to learn new tools and explore more. You can learn a lot from others while working hands-on on a live project.

Each hour you spend finding out how to do something is like a trainee pilot logging in flying hours. You'll become real good with every passing day, week and month.

You already know some web development so you can join any of the web apps developed using php, python, rails etc. You can pick up any language as you go along with an interesting project. Internet is full of videos, wikis, howtos, free resources to learn. All you need is interest and time.

The below list may seem like a lot of work. It's not, it's a free education you won't get in any college or work-place. You're self-learning all the SKILLS you require to be a good software engineer (irrespective of years of experience).

Best to start with
1) Installing the software on different operating system (using virtual machines).
2) Finding, reporting installation bugs or bugs found while using the software on github repository. This will help you get used to bug-reporting do's and don'ts.
3) Find gaps in the documentation and suggest changes via github pull requests.
4) Finding work-arounds or fixes by searching the Net for the error message. You can include the fix in the pull request to main project source code.
5) Write plugins or extensions to the code.
6) Add features that you require and contribute them back.

If you do this for a year or two you'll learn more than any course can teach you. You'll teach yourself all SKILLS you need to know. The degrees will be paper certificates for job applications only.

Finally, unlike most other candidates you can actually show-off the quality of your skilled work by just going to github.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Youth For Seva Workshop on using FOSS softwares for Teachers

Youth For Seva Workshop on using FOSS softwares for Teachers

1) Though many schools don’t even have electricity let alone computers it won’t be very long before laptops etc become easily available for cheap.
2) All those older computers that are being replaced by newer ones can be used for free by teachers, schools and students.
3) By the time we can build up free learning resources for children - similar to wikipedia but more targetted as learning sites- the other resources will come through somehow.

Good to hear that YFS is doing all this and more.
Thanks to Naren Ramakrishnan for sending the YFS website and info.

See Also:
My blog post on Moodle info
Edubuntu (ubuntu linux for education)
Edubuntu Software Screenshots
Edubuntu Applications list

Edubuntu for Intel PC download DVD by torrent
Virtual Edubuntu Trial Session online
Expanded list of Edubuntu Resources below with brief descriptions:

KDE Edu usage videos by Google Code-In Student:
Gbrainy for puzzles, brain-teasers, memory-trainers, visually and auditorily activating your brain
GCompris Learning Games for children age 2 to 10
Tux4Kids learning games and edutainment (Math, Paint, Typing)
Gnome Nanny protect kids from bad sites/regulate internet time
iTalc - monitoring and remote controlling your school's network for teachers
LTSP - Share resources like servers/software/internet/anti-virus etc among school computers

Saturday, January 01, 2011

IISC CEC (Continuing Education Centre) Technical Courses

IISC Technical Short Term Courses (4-5 months on Week-ends)

IISC Activities

The innovative Young Fellowship Program in Science for young students at the +2 level and Young Engineering Fellowship Program for third year BE Students have received overwhelming response.
The Centre for Scientific and Industries Consultancy, the recently founded Society for Innovation and Development, Sir Dorabji Tata Centre for Tropical Diseases and Advanced Bio Energy Technology Society provide an effective interface with industry.

Extension Lectures

Many faculty members of the Indian Institute of Science have volunteered to deliver lectures in institutions of higher learning at the technical level, in Engineering and science colleges at semi—technical level and in schools, public/cultural organizations, Doordarshan and All India Radio at the popular level.
These Lectures on Science, Engineering and Technology subject are being arranged not only in Bangalore, but also in centers within a radius of 500 KM around Bangalore mostly in the State of Karnataka. Many of these lectures are supported by demonstration, slides or models. The audience will often have a chance to personally interact with the speakers after the talk to learn more in their area of interest.

SC Centre for Continuing Education Extension Lecture Programme
Extension Lecture Programme Details (PDF)

Centre for Continuing Education

Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012


B.E/B.Tech./MCA or Equivalent. Need Certificate or Provisional Certificate (not mark-sheet)
See the pdf files for each course as required for exact details as in some places B.Sc. is mentioned.


Interesting courses held in 2010 (Jan-2011 to May-2011)

Strategic Management :
How to arrive at strategic decisions in business for managers and entrepreneurs.
Project Management:
Howto go about managing your project
Intelligent Agents and Applications:
Applying AI/Expert System concepts in your programs
Communication Protocols Design & Testing:
Howto design a Network System/Protocol

Important Dates

Issue of application commences (@ Rs. 150/-)  15-11-2010 - MONDAY
Last date for submission of application 03-12-2010 -FRIDAY
Intimation for aptitude/objective test* 08-12-2010 - WEDNESDAY
Aptitude / Objective test * 19-12-2010 - SUNDAY
Intimation of selection  22-12-2010 - WEDNESDAY
Receiving fees  From 27-12-2010 To 12-01-2011 - MONDAY To WEDNESDAY   
Classes Commence  20-01-2011 - THURSDAY
Final Exams Commence  23-05-2011 To 28-05-2011 - MONDAY To SATURDAY
  • (only if required) - Please check with PROFICIENCE Office on the specified date.
Proficience Courses for Jan-May2011
Full Course Details PDF
IISC-CEC Enquiry WebPage