Friday, December 24, 2010

The Art of Learning

Lifelong Learning in Programming

Learning by Online Debate and Discussion
The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin

Education: Curriculum, Syllabus, Teaching Methods.
Learning: Making a Mental Model. Learning Styles, Cognitive Science
Understanding: Seeing the flow
Feeling: Balls to Bones

Motivation/Why I wanna Learn:
I'm doing it because I know it makes me stronger.
Being truthful. If I don't understand/know something admit it, learn and grow.

What happens when I do this?Where does it end?What makes it tick?How does it work?Why does it work in that way?Is there a better way to do this?Is there any direct way of doing this instead of the complex way?I just want to change this one parts behaviour independant of other parts?I've always wanted to do this. Can it do this?Where can I get to the meat of the matter?What can I use this for?
+ Read about ideas and technologies. Thought and discussed a) concepts, (WHAT) b) reinventing it, (HOW) c) tradeoffs, (WHY) d) applications. (WHERE)
+ Tried out ideas on a bare-bones model. a) Experimented with edge-cases, (what-if) b) Special circumstances, c) Special needs and applications. Didn't want complete it. Too complex.
+ Used libraries/tools. a) Tracing the flow of the system. b) Joining 2 things to create a new thing. Didn't add more things. Too complex. Have to design/create piping between tools/libraries. Piping Code and Processing code should be seperated.