Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How to become a Master by Understanding How You Learn Best

How to become a Master!!

"Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every Rainbow,
Till you find your Dream" - [Sound of Music]

Do you want to be the best you can and like your work/life?
It takes around 7 years of daily doing something (pro-actively/interestedly) to become an expert at the world level.
So you could put in anything from an hour to 3 hours (your choice) and come out on top around 7 years later.
In the olden days people used to have Gurus to guide them through their learning and life.
Most people cannot afford to hire coaches for their work. They may not even be available if you could afford them.
So the oppurtunity to raise ones expertise lies with oneself.

"Geniuses don't do different things, they just do things differently"
How do I learn more in less time?
By using the right resources, tools and information.
Ask the RIGHT questions. Put effort in the right places.

"It's not how much you have, but how well you use it" -- Austin Powers Father

There is a person who got polio and lost the use of his legs. Today he's a Black Belt in Karate.
He fights by walking on his hands. How does he do it. He uses what he has. He has arms not legs.
So he chose to use those instead to walk.
So first we need to find out what abilities you don't and DO possess.

"Know Your Self" - [Anonymous]
1) Learning Style - Style of seeking information on a subject
2) Temperament -
What kind of environment do you prefer?
What kind of situations do you prefer or are best at?
These and many other choices define your temperament.

Why should I know my Learning Style?
Short answer:
Knowledge is power.
Q) Are you left-handed or right-handed?
Have you tried NOT using your favored hand. Brushing teeth, putting-on shoes, opening doors becomes so unusually difficult.
This is what we do in many of the things we do. People choose careers, skills to master using the wrong hand.
Cognitive Science (The science of learning) has found at least 4 LEARNING STYLES:
1) Visual - use of pictures/graphs/observation, think in images,
2) Auditory - lectures, mnemonics, audio-tapes,
3) Kineaesthetic - experiments/lab, building things, do-it-yourself,
4) Symbolic - dealing with abstract symbols, formulae
If you know your own strengths and weaknesses, you can put your best foot forward in whatever you do.
No matter which field you're in you can always use these abilities to "LEARN DIFFERENTLY".
To be able to find your preferences there are a few tools that you can use.
There is a tool called BrainMap which has a questionnaire to find out how you learn:
Now that you know your learning style, how do you adapt it to your other qualities or preferences:
Which Areas of your work would you be best at or interested in.

Temperament Theory:
Carl Gustav Jung the renowned German/Austrian Psychologist proposed people have different temperaments.
Each temperament of the 16 temperaments has some unique characteristics.
A) Introvert/Extravert - ie looking inward or to the external world. (need not mean the usual meaning)
B) Sensory/iNtuitive - depending on info from the senses or from intuition.
C) Thinking/Feeling - depending on thought or feeling.
D) Perceptive/Judgemental - open to many possibilites or few.
This leads to 4*4=16 temperaments.
Imagine a slider which indicates say 60% Thinking + 40% Feeling. So everyone of us has different %age on each parameter.

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) based on Carl Gustav Jungs work (the renowned Psychologist)
Many Corporates/Individuals are using these tests to match their talent to the right job.
This helps people understand strengths and weaknesses.
They can then align their learning/work with strengths, while working on making weak areas stronger.

This is a good freeware program to find out your personality type.
Personality/Temperament Test (DDLI) Download: http://www.ling.rochester.edu/~duniho/ddli/ddli341.zip
DDLI MainPage: http://www.ling.rochester.edu/~duniho/ddli/index.html
1) Download the .zip file,
2) Extract the program and other files into a folder.
3) Run the program. Its a non windows program and runs in DOS mode.
4) Answer the questions around 100.
Answers based on What you DO rather than what you Want to do/be.
5) Save the results to a file by providing the filename.
IMP: If you don't save the results into a file you'd be unable to access the test results. You'd have to give the test again.
6) Open the results file in wordpad or notepad.
Check the 4 Letter code say ESTJ or INTP against the text files describing the characteristics of that particular sub-type.

+ If the descriptions don't seem to match don't worry.
Maybe the test was lead astray by ambiguity in your answers or some other reason.
+ The test is only meant to "Describe" you better and doesn't try to fit you into any box.
+ You already know what you are and are not. This just helps put all those things into words.
Also the test may show what you ARE right now. You may grow and change as you adapt to different circumstances.

You can also go to a different website for more descriptions of a given type:
Personality/Temperament Descriptions: www.keirsey.com
I've got a book form of these descriptions and a paper test for the same called "Please Understand Me - II" by David Keirsey.

Finally don't take the results too seriously but with a pinch of salt.
Its not a science but a guideline and at worst makes for some good TimePass.

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